This product is a ceramic coating and must be applied correctly. Please follow all instructions and guidelines on the packaging to ensure the coating is applied correctly. Wax is Dead will accept no responsibility for any damage caused by the incorrect installation of this product.
- Shake the bottle before use.
- Ensure the surface area is completely dry and free from contaminants, sealants, waxes and oils.
- Preload Coating on the applicator, using approximately 7-10 drops, and apply to the panel generously, wiping evenly over the prepared surface in a
cross-hatch motion at a maximum area of 2ft x 2ft.
- Do not try and coat a whole bonnet or large panels in one go.
- Flashing – You will see the coating “disperse, ” indicating it has flashed.
- Remove the residue using a soft microfibre cloth after 5 – 60 Seconds, depending on temperature & humidity, as this will affect the flash time.
APPROXIMATE GUIDE TIMES – up to 10°C 30-60 secs, 10-15°C 10-45 secs,
15-20°C 5-10 secs, 20-25°C 3-7 secs, 25-30°C 1-5 secs, 30+°C Do not install.
- Matte finish – We recommend a 2-install process, 1st to apply the coating 2nd to level off as the matt finish will absorb the ceramic coating faster than a gloss finish.
- Repeat the process on every panel, ensuring full coverage.
- Do not expose to any moisture/liquid for the next 24 hours to allow the ceramic coating to cure
- Allow 2 weeks to fully cure before any washing techniques.